
Because I am Catholic . . .

I am called to profess my faith . . .
by supporting the pastoral and sacramental guidance offered
through the many programs in the Diocese of Grand Island.

I am called to evangelize . . .
through the good works of the church, not only in what I do,
but in what I support.

I am called to be a part of the diocesan outreach ministry . . .
to help provide basic necessities for those living in poverty.

I am called to show compassion and support . . .
for an ever-aging priest population, who dedicated their
lives in service to us.

I am called to stewardship . . . as a way of life!

All that we have comes as gifts from God our loving Creator.

God asks that we return a portion of our time, our talent and our
treasure for the building of the kingdom.

Please click on the link to obtain a copy of the Time and Talent Form for 2021

Select the items in which you would like to participate whether you are already
involved or are interested in joining.

Completed forms should be returned to Melissa in the Parish Office.

Please click here to obtain information on Electronic Giving to share your treasure for the building of God’s kingdom.

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce; then will your barns be filled with grain, with new wine your vats will overflow.”
   Proverbs 3:9-10