Current and Past Parish News
Senior Citizen Mass
Join us on Thursday, January 2nd at 11:00 AM for a Senior Citizen Mass! If you can bring a dish please do, if you are unable, please come anyway! The term “Senior Citizen” is open to interpretation! Everyone is welcome!!
Ministry Appreciation Dinner
If you make our Parish go please join us for a Ministry Appreciation Dinner on Sunday January 26th
5:00 PM at Country Kitchen. Sing-up sheet in the gathering area of the Church!
Help us decorate the church for Christmas this Sunday, December 22nd after Mass!
Help us decorate the church for Christmas this Sunday, December 22nd after Mass!
The Parish Office will be closed on December 24th – 26th. Merry Christmas!
Let’s Finish the Job!
Blessed Chalk
Fr. Todd will be blessing chalk on Saturday, January 4th and Sunday, January 5th for The Epiphany of the Lord. The blessing of chalk is an ancient tradition and is used to write the initials of the Three Wise Men and the year ( 20+C + M + B+25) on the entryway of the home. Parishioners will take home blessed chalk and a prayer instruction sheet. This is a great family activity!
Help Needed!!
On Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24th at 1:00 PM, help is needed to fill and set up the luminary bags that will be used for the Christmas Eve Mass. If you are available, call the parish office.
Thank you for your time!
St. Patrick Christmas Mass Schedule
CDA Cookie Bake Sale
The Catholic Daughters will be in the gathering area or the Church this weekend for their annual Christmas Cookie Bake Sale after Mass!
Children’s Christmas Choir
Children are needed to sing in the choir for the Children’s Mass on Christmas Eve at 4:00 PM
Rehearsal on Sunday, December 15th and December 22nd after Mass!