Current and Past Parish News

RCIA Meeting

RCIA Meeting

Interested in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults? Then join us for the RCIA information meeting on Sunday, September 10th before mass at 8:00 AM in the parish center library.

September and October Schedule now out!

September and October Schedule now out!

The new schedule for September and October is now out! Schedules have been mailed, and can be found on the parish website. Thank you everyone for all the hard work and dedication to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church!

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Are you interested in the Catholic Faith?

Would you like to learn what the Church teaches and why? Are you considering becoming Catholic?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then R.C.I.A. is for YOU!!! For centuries, people have turned to the Church to find the answers to the deepest and hardest questions of everyday life. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process given by the Church for the formation of adults in the faith. This is an opportunity for you to share your faith journey with others, to learn about the Catholic faith, and to experience the life of the Church community. For more information please call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with Fr. Todd.

Senior Citizen Mass

Senior Citizen Mass

Join on Thursday, August 31st at 11:00 AM for a Senior Citizen Mass followed by potluck and guest speaker. If you can bring a dish please do, if you are unable, please come anyway! The term “Senior Citizen” is open to interpretation! As always everyone is welcome!

Hello Chadron!!

Hello Chadron!!

St. Patrick Parish Community has been a proud fixture in the Chadron Community for many years.  Perhaps you attended Assumption Academy.  Perhaps you joined with us at joyful times such as a friend’s baptism or wedding.  Perhaps you stepped into our Church to say a very hard goodbye at a funeral or wake service.  St. Patrick’s Parish is deeply rooted in the Chadron community.

Several years ago, planning began to construct a new Parish Life Center.  The Parish Life Center will be a place for parish offices, classrooms and gathering space.  The new Parish life center will serve our Parish for years to come.

Since Assumption Academy closed more than 50 years ago, we have not been able to effectively utilize its space.  Moreover, issues with the building have continued to mount, including a lack of accessibility for those with disabilities, mold and asbestos in the structure, a roof needing replacement and energy inefficiencies in heating and cooling.  It is simply impractical and uneconomical to maintain or renovate the building—we need a new space for our parish life.

These past few months we experienced a highly successful fundraising capital campaign.  We raised $760,000.00 in pledges and gifts.  At the end of our campaign, we adjusted our Architectural Drawings.  We cut some space on our building and decreased the cost of the building by approximately $600,000.00.  Despite the cutbacks we feel we will still have an effective, efficient building.  Given our savings, pledges, and gifts we figure we currently need $400,000.00 to fund the construction of our Parish Life Center.

This is exciting news!  We see light at the end of the tunnel.  $400,000.00 is an attainable goal.  Going forward we will recontact those who are considering gifts.  We will accept gifts and pledges.  We have applied for over 20 grants from statewide and national foundations and trusts.  We hope for positive responses to our grant applications.  We are planning community fundraising events.  Stay tuned.

While a definite construction timeline is contingent on completing our last bit of fundraising, we hope to raise the last bit of funds necessary and begin our project soon.  We are committed to moving forward without delay!!

You will notice an image of our new building.  We honor the spirit of our past by including the archway from the Assumption Academy Building in the main entrance to our new Parish Life Center.  As our campaign theme states:  Cherishing our Home, Building Our Future.

We are a community of faith rooted in prayer.  Please join us in prayer for our community and our dream.


St. Patrick’s Capital Campaign Cabinet

Fr. Todd Philipsen, Pastor

Teachers and Classroom Aides Needed:

Teachers and Classroom Aides Needed:

Faith Formation classes will begin in September. Teachers and helpers are needed for the upcoming year. Classes will meet on Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 PM for grades preK-5th and from 7-8:00 PM for 6th-11th grade. Please contact Bre at the Parish office for more information.

Welcome Back Breakfast

Welcome Back Breakfast

Everyone is invited to join us for a welcome back breakfast, fellowship and music on Sunday, August 27th after mass to welcome all students and staff back for the new school year. Breakfast will be hosted by the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters. Please sign up on the guest list in the gathering area of the Church with your name and number attending.

Blessing of Backpacks

Blessing of Backpacks

As our students and teachers prepare to go back to school, we would like to celebrate and bless the beginning of the new school year. PreK-12th students, college students, teachers, professors and staff please bring your backpacks, work bags and supplies to Mass Sunday, August 27th. Please keep our students, teachers and all school employees in your prayers as they begin this new school year.