Current and Past Parish News

Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser

Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser

The Catholic Daughters will be selling cinnamon rolls after mass on November 4th & 5th and again on November 11th & 12th. Orders will be ready for pick up on November 16th.

Senior Citizen Mass

Senior Citizen Mass

Join us on Thursday, November 2nd at 11:00 AM for a Senior Citizen Mass followed by a potluck and guest speaker.

If you can bring a dish please do, if you are unable, please come anyway! The term “Senior Citizen” is open to interpretation!

As always everyone is welcome.

Rake & Run

Rake & Run

Sunday, November 4th at 8:30 AM.

Everyone is invited! Bring a rake! We will run around to parishioner’s homes that need some help with their lawns.

Gather at the Church at 8:30 AM. If you don’t have a rake let us know, we will provide. This is a good opportunity for teenagers to do some service work and for families to spend some time together. All are invited, and that means college students too! If you would like your lawn raked, contact the Parish Office. Sign up if you can help.

Liturgical Ministry Training

Liturgical Ministry Training

Liturgical Ministry Training will be held on Saturday, November 4th and Sunday, November 5th after Mass. If you recently signed up for a new ministry we will begin scheduling you in December. All of the following ministries will be trained: Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters and Welcoming Committee. Please pick one meeting after either Mass to attend. Thank you for your dedication to our Parish!

Rosary Activity Night

Rosary Activity Night

Families, parents, parishioners are all invited to the Rosary Activity Night on Wednesday, October 18th during normal class time.

The Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers

The Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers

The Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers will be held on Sunday, October 15th at 5:00 PM in the church. There will be a social and dinner following in the Assumption Arena kitchen. All Knights wives, significant others are invited. Please RSVP to Tom Yeradi

Thank you!

Attention CSC Students!

Attention CSC Students!

CSC Students– Christopher Jennings a CSC Student will be playing the piano each month at our Parish Liturgy. Christopher is playing October 21st at the 5:30 p.m. mass. We need your voices!!! CSC students please show up at 4:30 p.m. to practice. This is exciting!!!

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Another women’s Bible study about to take place! Join us Tuesday, October 17th at 7pm. At that meeting we will be discussing the Bible study we are doing and figuring out good times and dates that work for the majority.

This Bible study’s focus is on REST. We as women tend to go-go nonstop. This Bible study will give us the opportunity to learn how to rest in our busy lives!

Order your book at:

Singers needed!

Singers needed!

Mary Helen Cogdill will be playing the piano at mass this coming weekend at both masses. She needs some vocalists. Male and female voices would be great. Current music ministers and those who have yet to be involved. New voices are welcome and encouraged!! Perhaps this could be the beginnings of a male/female choir. Wouldn’t that be great!!! If you can sing show up 1 hour prior to each mass.

Calling all CSC Students!!

Calling all CSC Students!!

CSC Students!! Come join us on Sunday, September 24th after 9:00 AM mass to discuss the 5 challenges and 5 opportunities mentioned in the Catholic College Bound book. All college students are welcome!