Current and Past Parish News
Holy Week and Easter Schedule
Senior Citizen Mass
On Thursday, March 27th at 11:00 AM a Senior Citizen Mass will be held at St. Patrick’s.
A potluck and guest speaker will follow. If you can bring a dish please do, if you are unable, please come anyway!
The term “Senior Citizen” is open to interpretation!
As always everyone is welcome.
Quiet Time/Eucharistic Adoration & Stations of the Cross
Fridays: March, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th
April 4th and 11th
4:00 PM Quiet Time/Adoration
6:00 PM Stations of the Cross
Let’s Finish the Job!
Meals of Hope
Sunday, April 13th after 9:00 AM Mass – Assumption Arena
Let’s get together and pack 10,000 meals for the hungry. This is high energy and fun. Everyone of all ages is welcome. This is a great family activity. In the past we had food packers that ranged in age from 5 to 80 years. The packed food will be distributed through area food pantries. Serving others and feeding the hungry is a great way to begin the Holy Week.
Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service
Tuesday, March 18th at 6:30 PM
Please attend this service with your family.
A How-To-Guide for confession and an
examination of conscience can be found on the MyParish app.
Chadron St. Patrick’s Young Adults! Come Gather at the Well!
Chadron St. Patrick’s Young Adults! Come Gather at the Well!
Calling all young adults 21-39 to join for a Lenten study over Sunday’s Gospel readings on Fridays at 6:30-7:30 PM starting this Friday, February 28th-April 11th.
Living Stations of the Cross
Living Stations of the Cross Rescheduled for Wednesday April 9th
Join us as we experience Jesus’ journey to the cross as put on by our middle and high school students. This event is open to all families, parish members, and college students. There will be a free-will donation soup supper beginning at 5:30 PM to fundraise for students attending diocesan summer events, and to support our Faith Formation program. Stations of the Cross will follow beginning at 6:30 PM.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Services will be held on March 5th at 7:15 AM and 5:30 PM.
There is a sign-up sheet in the gathering area of the Church. Please sign up for your ministry. Thank you for all you do!
Meeting for Mirage Flats
From Bishop Hanefeldt:
For any of you who have ties to Sacred Heart Church in Mirage Flats, Bishop Hanefeldt would like to have a meeting with you about the future of the Church building now that financial resources for insurance on the church have been depleted. The meeting will be held this Thursday evening, February 13, at 6:30PM at St. Columbkille church in Hay Springs, in the social area downstairs. If you know of anyone else who might be interested in attending this meeting, please invite them to attend as well.
February’s Senior Citizen Mass
Join us on Thursday, February 27th at 11:00 AM for a Senior Citizen Mass followed by potluck and guest speaker. If you can bring a dish please do, if you are unable, please come anyway!
The term “Senior Citizen” is open to interpretation! As always everyone is welcome.